Tuesday 31 July 2012


Don't you just hate it when you are watching a movie with someone who has like a million questions and you started watching the movie together?!They are like..."why is that guy running?Is that the good guy or the bad guy?why is she crying?Did that dude just get shot??!!...You don't want to be rude so you answer all the questions but in your head you are like 'WTF!!Just shut up and watch the damn thing!!I dint write and direct the sh*t so i can't predict the end!!!'

Since we are talking about movies here: It bothers me when they are showing  Africa and they always make it look like we still live in the bushes and dine with the lions and hyenas.Someone should tell them we  have cities with awesome buildings and CIVILIZATION.Not all Africans look the same and we don't all talk swahili so when they show they are in south Sudan and cast dudes who look like Ethiopians we just don't buy it...If the movie is not shot in a desert then the only other places they are in is a jungle.Anyway,enough about that,now lets look at the romance movies: Must there be that looooong speech at the end,mostly in public then the couple kiss and the crowd cheers.Then during the looooong speech they put some sad or lovey dovey soundtrack*nostalgic*Realised without that sound track it's not as touching-it just sounds plain ridiculous!

Oh,well...enough dissing for a day-lemme go look for something constructive to do!:)

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