Wednesday 18 July 2012

Good News:)

That feeling after you have got good news....thats what am feeling tonight.It was just yesterday when i was told that the long awaited results were finally out-3rd year was a loooong year for me-my face went numb and i got all sweaty and shaky.Felt like i would go to campus that minute and know my fate once and for all but.........i had to WAIT!!!!All in all things turned out great and i can proudly welcome my final year with excitement!!Whoop whoop!!:))

Today i also met someone i hadn't seen in like 3 years,a good friend..still got it all going on and looking tall,dark and handsome as always.Made me smile like crazy...*good times*.Can't wait till next time.

Going to sleep like a rock exhausted but happy and thats what counts!!

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