Wednesday 11 July 2012

DAMN KPLC!Kama kawaida!!

Today KPLC has decided yet again to make my life hell.There have been no lights since i woke up this morning and we all know not much can be done without electricity nowdays.So I decided to take a walk  to pass time.On my way i saw this "clean" water trucks refilling its tank from some leaking sewage outlet ...eeeeeww!!I really pity the people who will end up buying and consuming that water.

Enough of that.After one week of going to the gym i had to quit due to unavoidable circumstances!!So am back to square 1-my daily routine.Once in a while I keep myself busy designing and making stuff for clients but biz is slow.:'(
Am thinking of going all out and doing a shoot of some of the items in my collection.Soon..i hope.

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