Thursday 5 July 2012


Been sitting here staring at my screen wondering what i should know life is crazy sometimes,we grow up and just lose our imagination n creativity (which in my case i would blame the 8-4-4 system which focuses on books and ignores talents)
I remember the good old days when I was a kid and we would make toy guns from thick rubberbands and sticks,some guys would make toy cars with wires from hangers (btw do they still make hangers with those iron wires anymore?haha).Now, I bet if you were to be given bottle tops and a piece of wire you wouldn't know where to begin.
All this flash back just reminded me of some of the stupid stuff we used to do as kids-eating britania bisciuts then leaving the middle part that read "BRITANIA" so that we can eat the letters one by one.>>>can't believe that used to be fun<<<
what about fitting in a tyre( big enough to fit your tiny frame) then your friends would push it.Everyone had their turn in there...tried it once...or was it twice.hmmm....all I can say it was both fun and terrifying...During the rainy season when we would go "fish" in pools of water then feed what we got with bread and biscuit crumbs not knowing what we thought were little fishies were actually tadpoles and they would die within 24 hrs from starvation.

Someone should have told us that growing up fun,just facts.We get our hearts broken,have to work to maintain our desired lifestyle...sleep late and wake up early...lose friends along the way...

Either way,this life is what we make it..we can't get back the innocence of childhood but we can make it great and fun as we want it to be.:)

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