Tuesday 31 July 2012


Don't you just hate it when you are watching a movie with someone who has like a million questions and you started watching the movie together?!They are like..."why is that guy running?Is that the good guy or the bad guy?why is she crying?Did that dude just get shot??!!...You don't want to be rude so you answer all the questions but in your head you are like 'WTF!!Just shut up and watch the damn thing!!I dint write and direct the sh*t so i can't predict the end!!!'

Since we are talking about movies here: It bothers me when they are showing  Africa and they always make it look like we still live in the bushes and dine with the lions and hyenas.Someone should tell them we  have cities with awesome buildings and CIVILIZATION.Not all Africans look the same and we don't all talk swahili so when they show they are in south Sudan and cast dudes who look like Ethiopians we just don't buy it...If the movie is not shot in a desert then the only other places they are in is a jungle.Anyway,enough about that,now lets look at the romance movies: Must there be that looooong speech at the end,mostly in public then the couple kiss and the crowd cheers.Then during the looooong speech they put some sad or lovey dovey soundtrack*nostalgic*Realised without that sound track it's not as touching-it just sounds plain ridiculous!

Oh,well...enough dissing for a day-lemme go look for something constructive to do!:)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Good News:)

That feeling after you have got good news....thats what am feeling tonight.It was just yesterday when i was told that the long awaited results were finally out-3rd year was a loooong year for me-my face went numb and i got all sweaty and shaky.Felt like i would go to campus that minute and know my fate once and for all but.........i had to WAIT!!!!All in all things turned out great and i can proudly welcome my final year with excitement!!Whoop whoop!!:))

Today i also met someone i hadn't seen in like 3 years,a good friend..still got it all going on and looking tall,dark and handsome as always.Made me smile like crazy...*good times*.Can't wait till next time.

Going to sleep like a rock tonight...am exhausted but happy and thats what counts!!

Monday 16 July 2012

First kiss of love

There is nothing more sweet than to love and be loved:) But I never understand why we can never capture that flame that is in the first few days or weeks(and if you are lucky months at most) when people start dating.It is breathtaking and sweetly blind and stupid.
Brings me back to another poem by Lord Byron I like-First kiss of Love....:

Away with your fictions of flimsy romance,
Those tissues of falsehood which folly has wove !
Give me the mild beam of the soul-breathing glance,
Or the rapture which dwells on the first kiss of love.

Ye rhymers, whose bosoms with phantasy glow,
Whose pastoral passions are made for the grove;
From what blest inspiration your sonnets would flow,
Could you ever have tasted the first kiss of love !

If Apollo should e'er his assistance refuse,
Or the Nine be disposed from your service to rove,
Invoke them no more, bid adieu to the muse,
And try the effect of the first kiss of love.

I hate you, ye cold compositions of art !
Though prudes may condemn me, and bigots reprove,
I court the effusions that spring from the heart,
Which throbs with delight to the first kiss of love.

Your shepherds, your flocks, those fantastical themes,
Perhaps may amuse, yet they never can move:
Arcadia displays but a region of dreams;
What are visions like these to the first kiss of love ?

Oh ! cease to affirm that man, since his birth,
From Adam till now, has with wretchedness strove;
Some portion of paradise still is on earth,
And Eden revives in the first kiss of love.

When age chills the blood, when our pleasures are past ---
For years fleet away with the wings of the dove ---
The dearest remembrance will still be the last,
Our sweetest memorial the first kiss of love.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

DAMN KPLC!Kama kawaida!!

Today KPLC has decided yet again to make my life hell.There have been no lights since i woke up this morning and we all know not much can be done without electricity nowdays.So I decided to take a walk  to pass time.On my way i saw this "clean" water trucks refilling its tank from some leaking sewage outlet ...eeeeeww!!I really pity the people who will end up buying and consuming that water.

Enough of that.After one week of going to the gym i had to quit due to unavoidable circumstances!!So am back to square 1-my daily routine.Once in a while I keep myself busy designing and making stuff for clients but biz is slow.:'(
Am thinking of going all out and doing a shoot of some of the items in my collection.Soon..i hope.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Before I sleep (-_-)

The July weather is proving to be unpredictable at times...you wake up and its so cold that you can't feel your face then after leaving the house looking like an eskimo the sun suddenly decides to show up at the most inconvenient time and toyrture you.That happened to me today...totally sucks.Then it rained later in the day-like WTH!!!!Sorry to all those poor souls who got rained on but as you were getting wet I was tucked in a warm blanket curled up in the sofa watching 'New girl'.:)

My routine had become so boring...now that the holiday is on its 2nd month am out of ideas on how to pass the days.Can't seem to land an internship..sending and resending CVs  and NOTHING YET!!!
So my initial  eat,sleep and watch telly routine got boring and I  had to look for something new to do so I joined the gym....everyday i go it's like am in bootcamp coz my instructor is so tough! Can almost feel the six pack coming along.lol

Back to the poem I said I would post:Dug it up somewhere in the dusty bookshelf:)

"Got no title";

On a dark cold night
I picked my pen to spell out my sorrow
My broken heart with tears deep red
Lost hope....lost love...my spirit dead
Missing that caress,feather light

No care about tomorrow or day after
As you left with my joy,my dreams,my laughter
Given the gift of worry and insanity
Got me thinking of things...really bad things

Why throw me in a pit of darkness
Why leave and be so heartless
The horror surrounds me is of lonliness
Stubbing pain in my chest,a constant hug
Over and over and over again....

Am tired of crying
Though I stare at my door hoping you will come back
Then make it all okay
but...nothing happens

Everyday I wear black and my head is abuzz
Oh,feeling like death but thinking death is better
My outsides begin looking like my insides
As thin I have become with the loss
The memories haunt me
Reality is killing me
The truth just eating me away
Soon I fear I may be gone
Forever...just like you!

Well,thats all for tonight i guess...got a long day tomorrow...Yaaaawn!!

Good times ahead

Got to admit...things had become a little dormant in my life but now i can feel some good change coming.We are in charge of our destiny...good fortune...fun!Ofcourse not all the things that used to excite me still do.Like I was into having a good time with no care in the world but now i just love to chill back,watch a good movie or read an interesting book...u know.I think it's part of growing up,got to just relax, give time to things which matter and make a difference.

Enough of the serious stuff....was to put up the poem...lemme save it for tonight though:)
Now am off to check out the masterpieces i made(did i mention i design??) Might post some of my stuff here...

Got to love Poetry!

Of late i have fallen in love with Lord Byron poems...Although some of the poems I can't uderstand I still feel the depth and emotion behind them(yeah right!)
Here is my current favourite,its sad but i like it either way:

by: George Gordon (Lord) Byron (1788-1824)

      HEN we two parted
      In silence and tears,
      Half broken-hearted
      To sever for years,
      Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
      Colder thy kiss;
      Truly that hour foretold
      Sorrow to this.
      The dew of the morning
      Sunk chill on my brow--
      It felt like the warning
      Of what I feel now.
      Thy vows are all broken,
      And light is thy fame:
      I hear thy name spoken,
      And share in its shame.
      They name thee before me,
      A knell to mine ear;
      A shudder comes o'er me--
      Why wert thou so dear?
      They know not I knew thee,
      Who knew thee too well:
      Lond, long shall I rue thee,
      Too deeply to tell.
      I secret we met--
      I silence I grieve,
      That thy heart could forget,
      Thy spirit deceive.
      If I should meet thee
      After long years,
      How should I greet thee?
      With silence and tears.
Sad,...right?It kind of reminds me of one of my poems....(don't be too surprised that i used to be poetic) the good old days when i had a way with words.The last time i wrote was after a heartbreak which was like a gazillion of years ago then i simply quit.Will post that poem tomorrow if i can find it somewhere in this house.


Been sitting here staring at my screen wondering what i should write.....you know life is crazy sometimes,we grow up and just lose our imagination n creativity (which in my case i would blame the 8-4-4 system which focuses on books and ignores talents)
I remember the good old days when I was a kid and we would make toy guns from thick rubberbands and sticks,some guys would make toy cars with wires from hangers (btw do they still make hangers with those iron wires anymore?haha).Now, I bet if you were to be given bottle tops and a piece of wire you wouldn't know where to begin.
All this flash back just reminded me of some of the stupid stuff we used to do as kids-eating britania bisciuts then leaving the middle part that read "BRITANIA" so that we can eat the letters one by one.>>>can't believe that used to be fun<<<
what about fitting in a tyre( big enough to fit your tiny frame) then your friends would push it.Everyone had their turn in there...tried it once...or was it twice.hmmm....all I can say it was both fun and terrifying...During the rainy season when we would go "fish" in pools of water then feed what we got with bread and biscuit crumbs not knowing what we thought were little fishies were actually tadpoles and they would die within 24 hrs from starvation.

Someone should have told us that growing up sucks....no fun,just facts.We get our hearts broken,have to work to maintain our desired lifestyle...sleep late and wake up early...lose friends along the way...

Either way,this life is what we make it..we can't get back the innocence of childhood but we can make it great and fun as we want it to be.:)