Sunday 16 September 2012

OH NO!!.

Things that people do that just make me go NKT or give them 'The-eye' coz it's plain weird and gross ...And if you have by any chance done one of the following shame shame on you!!

  • Those people behind you in a queue that stand so close that you can feel their entire front parts on your back and when you try to be polite and move to give them space its like you are stuck together coz when you move he/she moves...aaaargh!

  • Then comes the people who pick their noses-the chronic nose pickers-and then insist on shaking your hand.EEEEWWW....Strange thing is that when they have their fingers shoved deep in their nasal cavities harvesting the boogers it's like the rest of the world disappears and they are all alone shamelessly picking and picking and PICKING!! What makes this more gross is when they decide to investigate their "findings" and you are silently staring and praying..."please don't eat it.PLEASE".They round it into a ball and flick it.That reminds me some sucker did that and it landed on my lap while we were in a mat,then acted like it wasn't him....Was totally pissed!!!!Then there are those who wipe it off on the seat...
If you are going to pick your nose do it behind closed doors and pleeeease use a handkechief!

  •   Another habit that is just barbaric is SPITTIG in public.Why oh why do you do this??I have several times witnessed people spitting in tao and am just waiting for it to land on someones foot or trouser one day then a fight erupts and all hell breaks lose and we all know Kenyans can be very angry people especially during rush hour when all you just want to do is get home asap and relax after a long day.What of those who spit through out in a moving car?..and depending on the direction of the wind and speed it comes flying back in through the back window.Oh my!
So,if you have ever been javing and you have your window open enjoying the wind  running through your hair and caressing your face then suddenly felt some wet droplets and thought it was a drizzle and clearly the skies are cloudless....well,now you know what it was!

  • Then comes those who drag their feet...especially ladies!The room is quiet then you and your heavy feet decide to drag your shoes-mostly it's sandals-all the way to the back of the room almost leaving the floor with scuff marks and everyone cringing!While on that note, this reminds me of those heels that make a ka-sound when you walk-if you know you are going to wear them you should get to the room before everyone and take your seat instead of distracting the whole hall with those bean planters...(in case you don't know why they are nicknamed that it's coz on wet ground they make those tiny holes that look like those dug up when planting beans).*It was a direct translation.hehee

  •  Crotch scratchers......I don't know if they do it thinking no one is watching or the itch is just too sweet to ignore.There are those who can really scratch till whoever is witnessing can feel the crotch get a friction burn.Am not saying it's wrong to scratch your goodies-all am saying is do it in private.We can only imagine what's up with your down there and you wouldn't want to know our conclusions.

The list is endless but you catch my drift...right??Those things that someone does and you cant help but wonder if they are just plain retarded.
See full size image
Before i forget,what's with ladies plucking all their eyebrows lately and then proceeding  to draw some obviously fake and scary ones on that make you think they had a backfired facelift or they were in accident and their brow was the only part that sufferd a major blow...Anyway, as the saying goes: Kila nyani na starehe zake.:)

Beautiful week people!

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